Support a Camper
Welcome! You have been directed to this page because a beloved St. Dorothy's camper considers you to be a trusted person in their lives. To make a donation toward a specific camper's Campership fund, please follow the steps below.
We also invite you to browse our website for more information regarding our summer camps (including our annual Hospital Camp for children who have undergone a major organ transplant) and retreat offerings.
Click the button below to be directed to Breeze, St. Dorothy's online giving platform.
Enter the amount you wish to contribute towards your camper, and your preferred donation method (Credit Card or ACH).
From the dropdown menu, select, “Give to Specific Camper”. Click continue.
Enter your details, and *IMPORTANT* be sure to include the FIRST and LAST NAME of the camper in the comment box.
Click submit and revel in the joy that you just made a difference in the life of a child!